Weather WOnders

Weather Wonders. 

What is up with this weather?  The weather lately is absolutely crazy. We get freezing cold temps and snow, sleet whatever and then the very next day we have temps in the mid 50’s/ 60’s. That is so crazy. No wonder kids are getting sick. I don’t remember the weather changing so drastically when I was little. I do remember waiting for the lake behind my house to freeze hard enough that my parents would finally let me go ice skate.   That required weeks of super cold weather and then my mom having my dad just double check the ice and mark where the water pump in the lake was and make sure we stayed far enough away.  It was also a good way, I think for my mom to have my dad help shovel the snow if needed.   After all, I skated every winter I could so I knew where the pump was. Now I hate cold weather, but I do feel bad for the kids because part of the fun in living in Illinois, when you are little, is the winter snow and snow days. Now they hardly get any snow and because of COVID they will never know a true “SNOW DAY”!  It seems like Mother Nature is also gypping them a little bit. As an adult however, bring on the 60-70 degree weather!!!

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