To be a Princess!!

Day 6    3/6

My daughter Chloe is a sophomore in high school.  She is my middle child with a heart of gold. She has ADHD and seems proud of that fact at times. She has always been my little princess since she was born and my mom and I loved picking out clothes for her. Now of course she loves to pick out her own clothes and really doesn’t go as sparkly as I use to dress her.  She is a girl scout that completed her silver award and had intentions at one time to complete a gold award. Her problem is that her troop sort of stopped meeting in the middle of last year. Probably because of her leader(me) who just got tired of trying to find a time for all of us to meet with everyone’s busy schedule and the other leader was dealing with a really sick husband who died.   

Chloe is an artist and loves to paint. She went one time with her Girl Scout troop to an art teacher that teaches painting in her house and we have been taking her there ever since. I have tons of beautiful paintings in my house that she painted. At first I never wanted to share her work and after a while I stopped being selfish and let her give to special people like her grandparents.  I am waiting for her to complete a huge painting or two for my new kitchen!

Chloe also has started to play badminton.  She likes playing, which surprised me last year, but she was really looking for something to join last year and this sport came up. She is a really good singles player.  Maybe this year she will get another partner and have better luck than last year. 

9 thoughts on “To be a Princess!!

  1. How wonderful that she has discovered that joy. Well done, for encouraging it. You will get that mural, I suspect!

  2. You seem to have an ease in writing about your middle child. There’s both clarity and candor which allow us to picture a young person discovering their tastes and ambitions.

  3. I love the seesaw structure in each paragraph. I envisioned a Then and Now structure … Chloe Then and Chloe Now. It made me want to know more Then and Now about her and how they all worked together in helping her find her way in life. Thank you

  4. You pack so much in these lines. I love how the closing of one door led to the opening of another from girl scouts to painting to badminton. In the end I circle.back to your title. Seems the kind of princess you envisioned has become one of a kind! One of her own!

  5. You are a great mom!! My kids would love to come watch Chloe play! Let me know when she has a game at DGS.

  6. I love that she plays badminton! Tessie has mentioned that she likes that and might look into it for high school. I hope your princess has a fun playing this year!!

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