
Why do children insist that you didn’t tell them?

Why did I fall at recess and actually tear stuff in my knee?

Why is our house we bought taking so long to fix up?

Why did the drywallers/painters think they could get by without doing everything they said?

Why does the weather change so drastically?

Why did my class think it was a good idea to have a black market store with 3rd grade money while I was gone?

Why did two boys decide to fight while the sub was there?

Why did the kids think it was a great idea in my class to grab thumb tacks and put them upside down on people’s chairs?

Why do I find myself telling my class “It’s my knee that I hurt, not my eyes?”

Why did I think it was so cute when another teacher called me by my first name and a kid asked why she did that, “I said because we are friends. Two kids in shock then said…..”Teacher’s have friends!”  

Why did my son get my other daughter to practice late while I was gone?

Why is it only March 8th?

Why did I sign up for something else to do when I couldn’t seem to get everything done I wanted before?

Why could they make a sliding glass door 30 years ago, that no one seems to be able to make as big now?

Why can’t my sister see that I am just trying to help her daughter?

Why isnt my mom still around to help my niece and sister? 

Sorry I just felt like being a 2 year old today and just had to  ask WHY about everything!

6 thoughts on “WHY

  1. “Why did my class think it was a good idea to have a black market store with 3rd grade money while I was gone?” Sounds like a great slice. I’d love to hear more.

  2. What a neat idea for a blog. You’ve inspired me to do the same. My list would be so long. I hope you get your answers! 🙂

  3. I love this format Jill! When your brain is surrounded by all of these Whys I can see why you needed to release them on paper. I can wholeheartedly relate to this one:
    “Why did I sign up for something else to do when I couldn’t seem to get everything done I wanted before?”

  4. Why do we do a lot of things we do, but the fact that your students asked “Teachers have friends?” made me laugh! I’m sure my students can’t imagine anyone wanting to be my friend. LOL

    Hang in there! Spring break is coming soon!

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