Eagle Scout

Dustin, my one and only son.  What in the world would we do without him? Although he became an Eagle Scout he still helps out and does things with his troop. Last summer he went to Sea Base again as one of the “adults” and enjoyed scuba diving. The other adult’s said he was such a great help. This year he signed up to go with them to a new high adventure camp for his troop. 

Dustin decided to go to COD and wanted to be an engineer. He really wasn’t sure what kind however. After one full semester of COD he wasn’t sure he wants to be an engineer. He said this is why I stayed here. They had a group come in and all the engineers had desk jobs. Dustin loves to work with his hands and does not want to sit at a desk all day so this semester he is taking all different types of classes.

Dustin works at Oberweis and they love him there because he actually is willing to work. He is a shift manager and enjoys going because he has several friends that work there too. He also is a huge fan of chocolate milk and ice cream and Oberweis’s chocolate milk tastes like a chocolate candy bar. 

Dustin is also Brian’s go to for help with the new house. Dustin has worked with tools more than the girls and I so that makes sense. He is also the one the girls and I go to if Brian has asked for a tool or something we aren’t sure of. Why because Dustin might roll his eyes, but he also has my patience.  I am so blessed to have gotten three great kids!

1 thought on “Eagle Scout

  1. Congrats on Dustin! He sounds like a great kid who loves to be helpful whenever he can. He also has many passions which is great to keep him busy as well as involved in many friend groups.

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